About Us

The inclusive little yarn shop that could...

We have a little bit of a history at Mind’s Eye Yarns. We were first located at Porter’s Square, but after an exciting interaction between a cold snap, a water pipe, and our yarn, we relocated to Arlington. We spent some time on Medford Street, then moved down to the corner to a temporary home in an old bank building (it was a fun time!) and we're now at 359 Mass Ave. We're the yarn store where the Papa Gino's used to be! Yes, those are some very New England directions. We're owning it.

Duckie is made from Ella Rae's Honey and a pattern by crochetbykittengrll.

Fiber arts have a long history.

We’ve found knitting socks that are more than a thousand years old, and nålebinding is several thousand years old. Embroidery pre-exists modern humans. Every stitch you work is generations in the making.

I think about that when I’m angry that I’m still not done my umpteenth fingering weight sweater.

Fiber crafts are about community. They’re about keeping ourselves and our neighbors warm, about staying busy when the nights get long, and telling stories. The goal of Mind’s Eye Yarns is to build a truly welcoming community. It doesn’t matter when you picked up your hook, needles, or drop spindle. It matters how it felt when you did.

Even if you sometimes get really mad at that fingering weight sweater. That’s fair. We’ve all been there.

So next time you’re on Mass Ave, stop in and say hi. Show us what you’re working on. Ask us a question. Come by for stitch night. Sign up for a class.

Welcome to the Mind's Eye community and the community of fiber artists. We’re glad you’re here.